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Updates 4-27-23
My toy donations from the Great Easter Egg Hunt are now available here. Grab the set of pastel ducks, a squeakie hen and plush chick, and the set of Edward Mobley inspired squeakies on the "Toys" page, and collect assorted throw pillows from the "Decor" page.

Updates 3-29-23
A tea party set for Babyz is available on the "Toys" page, and an updated teacup and P4 conversion of the teacup can be found for Petz on the "Treats" page.

Updates 3-24-23
New Find It!

Updates 3-23-23
The party favors from Ralph's 25th birthday party are available on the "Decor" and "Treats" pages for Petz 4.


Have you heard about the Petz Show Companion? My husband (known in the community as Eddy Bones) has created a web based utility that allows you to track show points, titles, and more for your petz! Sign up today at petzshowcompanion.com
~ Additional features and updates for Petz Show Companion are in development! ~

Many folks may recognize my husband for his recent work on PetzA. You can check out his github here.